Not All Dietary Fiber Is Created Equal
Dietary fiber gets a lot of praise for helping people feel full and for lowering the risk of certain types of disease. Yet many types of dietary fiber exist -- and they don't all work the same, according to a small new study.
Exercise Is Powerful Medicine for Depression
By now, most people have heard that exercise is good for their health. A new review suggests it can it also make a difference in major depressive disorder.
Why it's hard to maintain weight loss
About 70% of U.S. adults are trying to lose weight. However, as a result of evolutionary pressures dating back to our most distant ancestors, our bodies are programmed to resist weight loss.
Exercise warnings over long COVID recovery
Patients experiencing long COVID are receiving "inconsistent advice" on how to resume physical activities, according to a major study.
1 in 4 Adults Has Liver Disorder That Ups Heart Risks
Alcohol abuse is a known cause of liver disease. But one in four adults worldwide has a liver condition not connected to drinking that ups the risk of heart disease, according to an American Heart Association scientific statement.